Abgaben ⇔ Dues
Public charges include payments that must be made by the citizen to the state or local authorities, owing to legal provisions. In this process, a distinction is made between taxes of other dues (contributions, fees, interest, special levies, fines and administrative penalties etc.). Example: concession levy
Abrechnungsjahr ⇔ Accounting year
The customer usually receives an invoice once a year. The time period between two invoices is known as accounting period or accounting year. Since consumers pay partial payments to the invoice amount, this is known as a settlement. The accounting year is defined by the supplier.
Abschlag ⇔ Advance payment
Advance payment is the term for regular payments made to the energy supplier. This advance payment is calculated from the current prices of the energy supplier and the annual consumption of the customers. The advance payment is mostly made on a monthly basis, every two months, quarterly or annually. The difference from the advance payments made and the annual statement is reimbursed or invoiced. Both the customer and the energy supplier are authorised to adjust the advance payment to the expected annual financial statement.
Abschlagsplan ⇔ Advance payment plan
In the advance payment plan, the modalities for advance payment such as the amount of advance payment or due dates for customers are determined individually.
General Terms and Conditions. Pre-formulated clauses for standard contracts, which regulate the contractual terms between the customer and the supplier.
Arbeitspreis ⇔ Working price
Working price (also known as consumption price) denotes the costs for the consumption of one kilowatt hour power or gas. The working price is always given in Cent per kilowatt hour and forms the electricity rate or gas rate along with the lump sum charged basic price.
Außerordentliche Kündigung ⇔ Extraordinary dismissal
An important reason is required for extraordinary dismissal. This is present if the continuation of the obligations cannot be expected from a contracting party, namely according to an objective view. As per the current jurisdiction, very few reasons are accepted as important within the meaning of an extraordinary dismissal.
AVBWasserV ⇔ AVBWasserV
Ordinance on the General Conditions for supply with water. Along with the additional conditions, it serves as the base for the supply with water.
Bargeldzähler ⇔ Cash counter
The cash counter is a special form of the power meter. It is also known as prepayment counter and is often designed as a chip card counter. Power supply companies can provide this cash counter to the customer so as to prevent the formation of debts, warnings and suspensions because only the prepaid energy quantity is delivered.
Bestabrechnung ⇔ Best billing
The consumption of the customer is automatically deducted within the tariff stage favourable for him. Thus, the customer can reduce the costs through energy conservation and by reducing the consumption of natural gas.
Betriebszustand, Betriebskubikmeter ⇔ Operating state, cubic metres at operating pressure
The natural gas is delivered in the so-called operating state and measured in cubic metres at operating pressure by the gas meter. The operating state is influenced by the local conditions such as position of the delivery place, air pressure or temperature. In order to compensate for these influences, the settlement for all customers is carried out on the basis of the standard state of natural gas. For this purpose, the operating state of natural gas must be converted to the standard state. The conversion to the standard state is done by the condition number which usually remains unchanged. It is determined by the grid operator and depends on the average height of the grid area, the temperature and the measured pressure on the gas meter.
BIC (Bank Identifier Code) denotes one of the internationally valid bank codes that is determined by SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). This term is also known as SWIFT code as it is assigned by SWIFT.
Bonitätsauskunft ⇔ Credit information
Checking of the credit history of a contracting party before concluding the contract. In case of negative information, the energy supplier can reject the conclusion of contract.
Brennwert ⇔ Calorific value
The calorific value describes the thermal energy content of a gas. In other words: The calorific value states the amount of energy contained in the natural gas. The customer pays only for the heat (energy) that he actually receives through the conversion with the help of the calorific value - regardless of the quality of natural gas.
Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) ⇔ Federal Network Agency (BNetzA)
This authority is responsible for the competition in the five markets namely electricity, gas, telecommunications, post and rail transport. In the field of electricity and gas, the Federal Network Agency’s main tasks are supervising and approving use-of-system charges as well as the moderation of arbitration process among the energy suppliers. Furthermore, the customer can also complain to the Federal Network Agency.
Chipkartenzähler ⇔ Chip card counter
See Cash counter
Contracting ⇔ Contracting
In addition to the remaining delivery of natural gas or power, the customer can conclude service agreements on heat and light. Costs for a gas holder are also included in the basic price for this service. In the contracting model, the so-called contractor undertakes the planning, construction and operation of systems and offers the customer an all round package of consultation, warranty adjustments and modern technology. The user pays a user fee to the contractor for his saved investments.
Dauerdurchfluss ⇔ Permanent flow
The nominal size of a water counter previously known as QN is replaced by the permanent flow Q3, which is given on the counter. Both names are enlisted in the settlement.
Drehstrom ⇔ Three-phase current
Three-phase current, also known as three-phase electrical power or colloquially power current or heavy current, is a system of three equal AC voltages that are asynchronous at 120°. As compared to the alternating current, it provides a higher performance and is used for connecting larger machines and devices such as cooking stoves and electromotors.
EEG-Umlage ⇔ EEG reallocation charge
The EEG reallocation charge legally promotes the production of electricity from renewable energies. The additional burdens resulting from the Renewable Energies Act (EEG) are forwarded to the ultimate consumer throughout Germany. This ensures the financing of electricity production from renewable energies, as long as this cannot be possible at marketable prices as yet.
Einzählermessung ⇔ Single meter measurement
A distinction is made between the double meter measurement and the single meter measurement in case of heat accumulator systems: The power consumption of heat accumulators is usually measured separately from the remaining power consumption by a separate meter (double meter measurement). In rare cases, the total power consumption for household and for storage heating is measured by a Two-rate meter (single meter measurement). The domestic power runs via the NT meter in single meter measurement within the release times for the heat accumulator systems as no separate measurement is available. However, the favourable heat storage tariff must not be accounted for the domestic power. Therefore, a correction is made here, in which a part of the NT consumptions arithmetically shifted to the HT consumption. As this share cannot be determined precisely in individual cases, a static average value is used for the correction. This share is 25% of the HT consumption with day recharge and 15% of the HT consumption without day recharge in heat accumulator systems. The total consumption (HT + NT) remains unchanged despite this “shift”.
Elektro-Speicherheizung ⇔ Electrical storage heating
The electrical storage heating is also known as night storage heating or heat storage stove. Your heat storage is heated in the evening by the electrical current, which is more favourable in comparison to normal tariff.
Energieausweis ⇔ Energy Performance Certificate
The Energy Performance Certificate is a document that evaluates the energy of a building. The owners of the residential buildings must prove their energy needs if they wish to rent or sell. The result of the energy performance certificate must already be stated in the advertisements. The energy performance certificate must be submitted to a potential tenant or buyer at the latest by the visit.
Energiedienstleistungsgesetz (EDL-G) ⇔ Act on Energy Services (EDL-G)
The EDL-G essentially serves to implement European provisions in national law. The objective of the policy is to create a common frame for the promotion of energy efficiency in the European Union. It ensures the higher objective of increasing the energy efficiency of the European Union to 20% till 2020. Apart from that, it prepares for more energy efficiency improvements for the time after that.
Energieeffizienz ⇔ Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency describes the energy consumption e.g. of electrical domestic appliances or buildings and is classified in a uniform rating scale. The energy efficiency classes (A+++ to G) state if less or more energy is consumed and serve as transparent consumer information.
Energiesteuer ⇔ Energy tax
The energy tax is included in the excise duties. The energy tax law comprises regulations on oil, natural gas and power.
Energiewirtschaftsgesetz (EnWG) ⇔ Energy Industry Act (EnWG)
Pursuant to § 1 EnWG, an objective of the EnWG is “safe, inexpensive, user-friendly, efficient and environment-friendly” public supply of power and gas. Other goals include “assuring an effective and pure competition” and the “assurance of reliable operation of energy supply networks”.
Entgelt für Ablesung ⇔ Fee for reading
The fees for reading cover the costs of the grid operator for meter readings. This must be done once a year in standard meters.
Entgelt für Abrechnung ⇔ Fee for settlement
The fees for settlement include the plausibility check and communication of the meter readings and the formation of a substitute value.
Entgelt für Messstellenbetrieb ⇔ Fee for operation of measuring points
The fees for the operation of measuring points comprise costs for the provision, operation and maintenance of measuring equipment (meter).
Entgelt für Messung ⇔ Fee for measurement
The fees for the measurement include the costs for compiling the energy data, processing and provisioning of measurement data.
Erdgasqualität ⇔ Quality of natural gas
In Germany, a distinction is made between two qualities of natural gas: L-Gas ("low") or H-Gas ("high"). Depending on the origin, these can be differentiated in terms of chemical composition. The energy content of the gas is given as calorific value in kilowatt hours per cubic meter (kWh/m³) (H-Gas: approx. 11 kWh/m³, L-Gas: approx. 10 kWh/m³).
Erdgassteuer ⇔ Natural gas tax
The natural gas tax is an excise duty and is regulated in the German Energy Tax Act. Similar to the electricity tax, a certain amount is charged for energy consumed per kilowatt hour, at the moment 0.55 cent per kWh (for calorific requirement). The objective of the natural gas tax is to promote energy-efficient technologies and to strengthen ecosensitive activity.
Ergänzende Bedingungen ⇔ Supplementary conditions
Energy suppliers have defined the details regarding reading, settling, payment modes or interruption and reproduction of the supply in the “Supplementary conditions to Ordinance on basic services”.
Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) ⇔ Renewable Energies Act (EEG)
Renewable energies denote energy resources that are inexhaustible or “renew” themselves relatively quickly. In addition to higher energy efficiency, renewable energies are used as the most important pillar of sustainable energy policy and energy revolution. It includes hydroelectricity, wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy and renewable raw materials. The promotion of these energies is regulated by the Renewable Energies Act (EEG) in Germany. The additional costs incurred are divided among all energy consumers in Germany by the EEG reallocation charge.
Ersatzversorgung ⇔ Substitute supplies
If the energy procurement of an ultimate consumer cannot be assigned to a delivery or a specific delivery contract, then the basic supplier fills in for the energy supply. This type of energy supply is known as substitute supply. This pertains to a legally arranged emergency supply, for e.g. if an energy supplier reports insolvency or a planned change of supplier has not functioned. Also refer to: basic services
Exploration ⇔ Exploration
In the mining industry and the geology field, exploration means the development of underground mineral resources. This includes oil, natural gas and coal, as well as groundwater.
Fossile Energieträger ⇔ Fossil energy sources
Fossil energy is obtained from fuels resulting from by-products of dead plants and animals in the geological historic times. This includes brown coal, black coal, peat, natural gas and petroleum. The energy content of the enlisted fossil fuels is based on the quantity of carbon. During the combustion with oxygen, energy is released in the form of heat and carbon dioxide.
Freigabestunden ⇔ Release hours
During release hours, electrical energy is supplied for charging the heat accumulator systems. The release hours are usually granted up to 9 hours at night and additional up to 2 hours during the day for systems that are charged during the day. The local grid operator determines the distribution of the release hours among the stated time periods according to the respective requirements of the network load. Also refer to: electrical storage heating
Gläubiger-Identifikationsnummer ⇔ Creditor identification number
The creditor identification number is a unique identification of the debit creditor that is independent of any account. This number was introduced for the SEPA direct debit system and is a mandatory feature in the SEPA mandate. Each direct debit is marked by the creditor identification number.
Grundpreis ⇔ Basic price
The basic price and the working price forms the energy price. With this, the expenses of the energy supplier that do not depend on consumption are passed on to the consumer. The basic price is offered at an annual lump sum or at a monthly lump sum.
Grundversorgung ⇔ Basic services
In order to make it possible to supply power or gas to each household from its location, an on-site energy firm that functions as the default supplier must be present there. The objective is to provide power and/or gas at a suitable price to all households. If a customer has consumed power or gas for the first time after an installation and has not attended to an energy contract, the basic services are delivered automatically according to the prices and conditions. The legal basis of the basic services is the Ordinance regulating the provision of basic electricity supplies (StromGVV) or the Regulations on general terms and conditions of the supply of natural gas (GasGVV).
Grüner Stromlabel (GSL) ⇔ Grüner Strom label (GSL) [Green power label]
Grüner Strom Label e. V. (GSL) is an association for the certification of green power and biogas. The aim of the certification is to ensure more transparency in the green power and biogas market through the marking of recommended products and to promote an ecological energy supply. GSL and the “Grünes Gas” seal are the only quality seals in Germany that are carried by environmental associations.
Guthaben ⇔ Credit balance
The advance payments are added in the settlement and are compared to the actual consumption. If the customer pays more than he has consumed, a credit balance is created. In this case, he recovers his money from the energy supplier. If he pays lesser than he has consumed, a claim stating that he must pay later is created.
Gutschrift ⇔ Credit note
Since the customer’s invoice is based on the advance payments which are targeted towards the consumption of the preceding year, it may happen that he has paid too much. The cause for low consumption can be e.g. on a long holiday or economical devices. In this case, a credit note is created for the customer which means an amount that is cleared by the energy supplier with the next invoice. This means that his next invoice shall be lesser than this amount.
H-Gas ⇔ H-Gas
Refer to: quality of natural gas
HT stands for the high-rate tariff in two-rate power meters. The HT consumption measured by the HT meter is calculated with the HT working price and matches the time period beyond the release hours for the heat flow. Also refer to: single meter measurement, double meter measurement
Hausanschluss ⇔ House connection
House connection is understood as the connecting point between the public utility company or the waste management company and the house installation.
Haushaltskunde ⇔ Household customer
§ 3 Nr. 22 EnWG (Energy Economy Law) defines household customers as those ultimate consumers who purchase energy primarily for energy consumption either at home or for professional, agricultural or industrial purposes. In the latter case (industrial customers), ultimate consumers are included in household customers only if their annual consumption does not exceed 10,000 kWh.
The International Bank Account Number is an international, standardised term for bank account numbers. It is acceptable to state only the IBAN for a SEPA direct debit within Germany.
Informationsabrechnung ⇔ Information bill
Multiple energy suppliers provide a purely informative bill to their customers. An information bill can help the customer to understand in the course of the year if the payments made so far correspond to the actual consumption costs and if he should expect a credit balance or a subsequent payment. He must enter a current meter reading for an information bill.
Jahresabrechnung ⇔ Annual statement
At the end of each accounting year, each customer obtains an annual statement for his energy and water consumption. An accounting year can differ from the calendar year. The annual statement contains a comparison of the payments made (partial payments) to the actual usage and prices. If there are differences, then the credit balance is disbursed or settled with the next advance payment. Similarly, claims are due for excess consumptions. The customer generally obtains a new advance payment plan for the next accounting year along with the annual statement.
Jahresverbrauch ⇔ Annual consumption
The annual consumption is the quantity of energy used by devices during a defined time period - one year in this case. The working price for the annual consumption for power, natural gas or heat is given in Cent per kilowatt hour (ct/kWh) and forms the base for the annual statement.
Kilowattstunde (kWh) ⇔ Kilowatt hour (kWh)
The kilowatt hour (kWh) is a measuring unit for energy. 1 kilowatt hour is the energy consumed or produced by a device with a power of one kilowatt in one hour. In particular, power costs, gas costs and even thermal heat costs are primarily billed in this unit.
Konzessionsabgabe ⇔ Concession levy
Fee that must be paid by a public utility for routing cables while using the streets and ways within a community. In practice, the concession levy acts as a communal tax on the grid-bound energy resource.
Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung ⇔ Cogeneration
During cogeneration (CHP), electrical power and heat are generated simultaneously in a power plant. The primarily generated mechanical energy is converted immediately to electrical energy. The usable heat is utilised for heating purposes (local and district heat) or for production processes.
Kündigungsfrist ⇔ Cancellation period
The cancellation period is the period between the notice of cancellation and the resulting contract termination. The period allows the contracting parties to prepare for the contract termination and to eventually search for other contracting parties. Cancellation periods can be different for energy supply contracts.
KWKG-Umlage ⇔ CHP surcharge
The resource-saving simultaneous generation of power and heat is legally promoted with the CHP surcharge. The liabilities resulting from the Act on Cogeneration (KWKG) are forwarded to the ultimate consumer throughout Germany. Refer to: cogeneration
L-Gas ⇔ L-Gas
Refer to: quality of natural gas
Lastschrift ⇔ Direct debit
The direct debit is quasi the reversal of transfer. The payee commissions the bank (1st collection point) to deduct a certain amount from the payer’s bank account (pay office). The SEPA direct debit widely used across Germany.
Leistungsempfänger ⇔ Beneficiary
A beneficiary is the person or a company who receives the services such as power, gas, heat or water from an energy supplier.
Lieferantenwechsel ⇔ Supplier change
When changing suppliers, an ultimate consumer switches between two energy suppliers. The Federal Network Agency in Germany has concluded uniform business processes and data formats for the same.
Lieferbeginn ⇔ Start of delivery
In energy supply contracts, the start of delivery represents the beginning of energy procurement at an extraction point.
Lieferstelle ⇔ Point of delivery
The point of delivery denotes the place where energy or water is taken. It is sometimes also known as point of consumption.
Mahn- und Inkassokosten ⇔ Collection costs
The collection costs are due if a customer does not comply with his liabilities to pay as per the contract. Initially, the customer receives a dun including a fine on an outstanding sum. The amount of collection costs are usually decided by the energy supplier in his supplementary conditions.
Mandatsreferenz ⇔ Mandate reference
The mandate reference is the tag of a mandate that is individually assigned by the payee and enables its unique identification with the creditor identification number. The mandate reference and the creditor identification number must be given during each SEPA direct debit.
Maschinelle Schätzung ⇔ Automatic estimation
If the energy or the water meter cannot be read, then it is allowed to estimate the consumption. The seasonal consumption cycles must be considered appropriately even when the tariffs are changed.
Mess- und Abrechnungspreis ⇔ Meter price and settlement price
The measuring equipment is usually the property of the local grid operator. The meter and settlement price is a fee for the provision of measuring equipment as well as the compilation, processing and transfer of consumption data and is published with the use-of-system charges. As of today, the fees for measurement and settlement are accounted separately.
Mindestvertragslaufzeit ⇔ Minimum contract duration
The minimum contract duration means the minimum duration for which a contract is valid before it can be terminated. In the process, an early termination is absolutely possible but it is effective only after the minimum contract duration has expired.
Nennspannung ⇔ Nominal voltage
The nominal value of the alternating mains voltage in Europe is 230 (private households) or 400 volt (three-phase current) during normal operation. A slight difference is always possible and is tolerated smoothly by most devices.
Netzbetreiber ⇔ Grid operator
A grid operator (operator of a transmission network or distribution network) is responsible for the safe and reliable operation of each network in a specific area and for the connections to other networks. Furthermore, the operator of a transmission network regulates the transmission over the network by considering the exchange with other transmission networks. He looks after the provisioning of indispensable system services and thus ensures the service reliability.
Netzbetreiber-Nr. ⇔ Grid operator no.
In order to ensure an automated processing even if the supplier changes, the unique grid operator number is considered during data exchange. It is also contained in every electricity and gas bill.
Netzfrequenz ⇔ Network frequency
Network frequency denotes the AC frequency of electric energy supply in a power grid. The network frequency is uniform in a power network and constant with the exception of small control technology differences from the nominal value. The network frequency is given in hertz.
Netznutzungsentgelt ⇔ Use-of-system charge
Each customer is connected to the local energy grid. A charge - the so-called use-of-system charge is levied for using this network. The use-of-system charge is already included in the prices for household customers. The fees are calculated as per the provisions of the Ordinance on network charges and must be published on the internet according to the terms of the Energy Industry Act. They are the same for comparable customers within a grid area and are approved by a regulating authority.
Niederdruck ⇔ Low pressure
In the transmission of electricity, natural gas is supplied from the producer to the ultimate consumer in the pipeline under high pressure. Since the gas pressure loses pressure for long distances, a distinction is made between natural gas at three pressure levels: Low pressure (≤ 100 mbar), medium pressure (> 100 mbar to ≤ 1 bar), high pressure (> 1 to 100 bar).
Niederspannungsnetz ⇔ Low voltage network
Low voltage signifies AC voltages up to 1000 volts. Higher electrical voltages are classified into medium voltage, high voltage and maximum voltage. The biggest part of private households are supplied using low voltage networks.
NT stands for low tariff in two-rate power meters. The NT consumption measured by the NT meter is calculated with the NT working price and matches the time period beyond the release hours for the heat flow. Also refer to: single meter measurement, double meter measurement
Nutzenergie ⇔ Effective energy
Effective energy is mostly characterized by energy as is required by the end user. For example, it could pertain to the heat for heating or cold for air conditioning a building, or to mechanical driving energy or light for illumination.
Offshore-Haftungsumlage ⇔ Offshore liability levy
Risks of connecting the offshore wind park to the power grid are secured with the Offshore liability levy pursuant to § 17 of the Energy Industry Act. The liabilities resulting from the Offshore liability levy are forwarded to the ultimate consumer throughout Germany.
Ok-power ⇔ Ok-power
The ok-power label certifies the green power offers from different providers. The carrier of the label is the non-profit EnergieVision e. V., who pursues to promote consumer protection or environmental protection in the power industry and also to achieve an additional development of regenerative energy production.
Preisgarantie ⇔ Price guarantee
Power supply companies offer partial delivery contracts with price guarantee for certain time periods. The price guarantees can be based on different price components, e.g. on network charges, the share of energy or the total price.
Rechnungsanschrift ⇔ Invoice address
Address of the invoice recipient. This can differ from the point of delivery, if the invoice recipient does not reside there.
Rechnungsnummer ⇔ Invoice number
Each invoice has a unique invoice number. This helps to assign each invoice to the correct customer.
Rundsteuertechnik ⇔ Ripple control
The ripple control helps the power supply companies to remote control the energy consumers, for example, to switch to the low tariff power. The available power network is normally used as the transmission path for the control commands.
Schlichtungsstelle Energie e. V. ⇔ Arbitration board Energie e. V.
The arbitration board Energie e. V. is an independent and neutral establishment for settling disputes between consumers and power supply companies. It is jointly supported by the Federation of German consumer organisations e.V. and the Associations of the German power industry. The arbitration process is free of cost for private consumers.
Schlichtungsverfahren ⇔ Arbitration process
It is mandatory for energy suppliers to participate in the arbitration process. The consumer must be made aware of the possibility of arbitration if his complaint has been rejected. The requirement for introducing an arbitration process is that the consumer has previously appealed to the company and was unsuccessful. The aim of arbitration has always been the amicable out-of-court resolution of disputes.
Schlussrechnung ⇔ Account settlement
As soon as the delivery of energy is ended, e.g. by removal or by a supplier change, then an account settlement is created by the energy supplier for the customer. The important point here is that the meter readings are transmitted on the last day of delivery (extract). Similar to the annual statement, the account settlement also contains a comparison of the payments made (advanced payments) to the actual usage and prices.
SEPA-Lastschrifteinzug ⇔ SEPA direct debit
The grant of a SEPA mandate authorises the energy supplier to deduct the due amounts from the customer’s account. A SEPA basis direct debit can be rejected within eight weeks after debiting an account, so that the debit amount is credited again. In case of an unauthorised payment, the payer can claim the refund of the direct debit amount within 13 months from debiting. Certain notice periods must be followed pursuant to the guidelines for the SEPA basis direct debit.
Sofortbonus ⇔ Instant bonus
An instant bonus is a specific amount which is received by a customer from his new energy supplier after successful supplier change. Generally, the amount is transferred immediately to the customer’s account after the delivery has started.
Standardlastprofil ⇔ Standard load profile
The load profile of a consumer, e.g. for electrical energy or natural gas, shows the progress of the pertinent power. Since the power is measured only for a few customers, the energy quantities are balanced using the standard load profile. They are specified for different usage data by the network operator.
Stromkennzeichnung ⇔ Electricity Fuel Mix Disclosure
The Electricity Fuel Mix Disclosure was introduced for an improved consumer protection. Detailed information on electricity supplies is given here according to § 42 EnWG and § 54 EEG. The Fuel Mix Disclosure contains information on electricity mix, origin of the energy resource as well as the environmental impacts. The Fuel Mix Disclosure must be visible to the ultimate consumer on the electricity bill and on all advertising material. It must be possible for the power customers to evaluate the “quality” of the electricity production using this information about environmental impacts.
Strommix ⇔ Electricity mix
Electricity mix is understood as the percental subdivision of the energy resource which generates electricity and which is sold by the energy supplier to the consumer. The electricity mix of an energy supplier is shown in the Electricity Fuel Mix Disclosure.
Stromsteuer ⇔ Electricity tax
The electricity tax is an excise duty similar to the natural gas tax. A certain amount must be paid to the state per consumed kilowatt hour (kWh) of power. This is actually 2.05 cent per kWh and is added to the electricity rate.
Textform ⇔ Textual form
The textual form is one of the forms governed in the German Civil Code for a legal transaction or for specific declarations related to a legal transaction (e.g. for the cancellation policy). In contrast to the written form, the textual format does not require any genuine signature. Therefore, it comprises fax, emails or SMS messages along with classic documents - as opposed to the written form.
The “TÜV Cert” Zertifizierungsgemeinschaft e. V. is of paramount importance for the energy industry. This group of TÜV companies certifies products and management systems as per standardised procedure using international standards and European policies. These also include green power products.
Umlage ⇔ Apportionment
Certain costs are redistributed among multiple others in the form of an apportionment. Example EEG reallocation charge: The development costs for renewable energies are distributed among all consumers. This occurs in the form of a certain amount per kWh.
Umsatzsteuer ⇔ Value added tax
All purchased goods and services imply a value added tax. This is currently 16% (power, gas) or 5% (water) of the net amount. The value added tax must also be paid on the excise duties, dues and apportionments.
Verteilnetzbetreiber ⇔ Distribution system operator
A distribution system operator is a business who operates the power or gas networks for distributing to the ultimate consumer (private households and small consumers). Distribution system operators must provide their networks to all suppliers against a user fee without discrimination.
Vertragskontonummer ⇔ Contract account number
Names or street names are not always unique. In order to avoid confusion between two customers having the same name, each customer obtains a one-time contract account number in the accounting system. Multiple energy and/or water agreements can be balanced using a contract account.
Vertragserstlaufzeit ⇔ Initial contract period
The initial period of a contract is the time from the beginning of the contract that binds the customer to the energy supply contract. After this initial period, the customer can usually resign with an agreed period. If not cancelled, the contracts are usually extended to a specific time period.
Volt ⇔ Volt
The volt is the measuring unit for electrical voltage that is used in the International System of Units (SI).
Vorjahresvergleich ⇔ Comparison with last year
As a comparison, the customer finds his consumption from the last accounting year or accounting period on the invoice.
Vorkassezähler ⇔ Prepayment counter
Refer to: cash counter
Vorperiode ⇔ Prior period
The prior period is the accounting period of the previous invoice. The customer can estimate his consumption pattern by comparing to the actual consumption.
Wärmepumpe ⇔ Heat pump
With the help of heat pumps, low temperature heat can be used for heating, water heating and air conditioning. The heat is primarily extracted from the deeper (geothermal energy) or near-ground earth (stored solar energy). However, groundwater, surface water and outer air can also be qualified as sources of heat. A compressor can be used to raise the heat to the required temperature (till 65 °C). Electric heat pumps are a popular heating system for single-family and double-family houses, because three to four kilowatt hours of heat is produced from one kilowatt hour of power.
Wechselbonus ⇔ Exchange bonus
The exchange bonus or new customers bonus is a specific amount which is received by a customer from his new energy supplier after successful supplier change. The amount is generally paid with the annual statement after the expiry of the initial contract period.
Wechselstrom ⇔ Alternating current
Alternating current that is also known as single-phase current denotes electric current that changes its direction (polarity) in regular repetitions and wherein positive and negative momentary values complement each other such that the current in the timely average is zero. It provides 230-V-sockets to households. Also refer to: three-phase current
Widerrufsbelehrung ⇔ Cancellation policy
The cancellation policy is a policy regarding the customer’s cancellation right in certain consumer contracts. For energy supply contracts, the consumer must obtain a legally valid cancellation policy.
Widerrufsfolgen ⇔ Cancellation consequences
While concluding the contract, the customer must be made aware of the consequences of cancelling it. Under certain circumstances, payments that are already made must be reimbursed.
Widerrufsformular ⇔ Cancellation form
Power supply companies are obligated to send a cancellation form in the offers of contract.
Widerrufsfrist ⇔ Cancellation period
The duration of the cancellation period is usually two weeks. The cancellation period begins at the earliest when the consumer has received an effective cancellation policy.
Widerrufsrecht ⇔ Cancellation right
The cancellation right is a consumer right and is regulated in § 355 of the German Civil Code. It enables the user to rescind a contract without stating the reasons and to annul the rendered services.
Zählernummer ⇔ Meter number
Each power and gas meter has a unique meter number that is assigned to a point of consumption. The meter number of the meter is often located next to the barcode. It is situated above or below the rotary table. In case of uncertainty, he simply refers to his last annual statement. The meter number is also given there.
Zählerstand ⇔ Meter reading
The consumer can find the meter reading on his power or gas meter directly under or above the kWh code or m³ on a cyclometer register that runs at different speeds or on a numeric display.
Zählpunkt ⇔ Meter point
Electricity or gas is provided to the consumer at the meter point. A unique identification i.e. the meter point identification is assigned to the meter point. The meter point identification is composed of 33 digits: Country code as per DIN ISO 3166 (2 digits), grid operator (6 digits), postal code (5 digits) and meter point number (20 digits). The meter point identification is significant for the unique communication between grid operators and energy suppliers.
Zustandszahl ⇔ Condition number
The influence of the local temperature and air pressure on the gas volume must be taken into account with the condition number (z-number). With regard to natural gas, a distinction is made between standard volume and operating volume. Environmental conditions can bring about a difference in the volume. Therefore, the gas volume in the meter is also known as operating volume. The apportionment is done on the basis of the standard volume in order to make the gas quantities comparable and to carry out the apportionment on equal basis for all customers. The standard volume is clearly defined. The individual operating volume of a gas customer is converted to the standard volume by the condition number z.
Zweizählermessung ⇔ Double meter measurement
The double meter measurement makes it possible to separately record the consumed power quantities apart from the conventional household requirement. Double meter measurements are conventional for heat pumps, night storages and automated electricity in the case of power supplies.
Zwischenablesung ⇔ Interim meter reading
Energy suppliers provide an opportunity of interim meter reading. This allows the customer to read his meter reading not only directly before the next annual statement, but also on a desired date. This meter reading is taken into account during the next billing. An interim meter reading is recommended when the price is changed within the accounting period.
§ 18 AbLaV-Umlage ⇔ § 18 AbLaV apportionment
Apportionment for provision of braking capacity according to the “Regulation for deferrable loads”. In order to ensure power supply in times of insufficient power plant capacities, large industrial plants such as foundries offer to switch off their powers. They receive compensation which is included in the electricity rate and thus forwarded to the ultimate consumer.
§ 19 StromNEV-Umlage ⇔ § 19 StromNEV apportionment
§ 19 StromNEV-apportionment allows the financing of the discharge or release of business with high energy consumption of network charges. The costs incurred from these discharges according to the Electricity Grid Access Ordinance (StromNEV) are forwarded to the ultimate consumer throughout Germany.